Latest Album:

Featuring the "Stations of the Cross: A Musical Pilgrimage"
An original song for each Station of the Cross.
Including "Before"
Written by Colleen and sung by special guest, Donna Cori.
21 Original Tracks
Available as individual songs or complete album (hard copy CD or download) in high quality audio.VIEW MORE
Latest Single
Here is my newest single, “A Celtic Yuletide Ballad.”
Original Video
Here is the new video of my song, “Before.” It is my deepest hope that the song’s message will help create a culture of life by changing hearts and minds to embrace the gift of life fully.
A Journey
Of Inspiration
Colleen’s journey to music ministry has been inspired by her deep Catholic faith. Each song on her new album tells a story based on inspirations derived through her faith.

Stations of the Cross: A Musical Pilgrimage
When Colleen first conceived the melody and music for this piece, she had no idea what words or message the melody would accompany. The melody coursed through her mind, daily, in search of the right words.. more..
Based upon Jer. 1:5 (“before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…”), Colleen’s pro-life song, “Before,” focuses on the inherent value and sanctity of life. All that Colleen experienced as a teen mother and as a single parent, including all the joys, rewards, struggles and sorrows.. more..
Colleen wrote this song for her father, who passed away shortly before his 100Th birthday. The song envisions him in Heaven, surrounded by her mother and all his brothers who predeceased him.. more..
“Lost” arose from a dream sequence about the story of the woman at the well, in John 4:7-39. Christ chooses this Samaritan woman to launch his public ministry to the gentiles. He reveals to her that He is the Messiah and offers her living water that will quench her thirst forever.. more..
Colleen wrote the song, “Mercy,” for the Pope’s Year of Mercy. The song focuses on our profound need for God’s mercy and God’s unending willingness to extend His mercy to us. God’s Divine Mercy toward each of us is endless, inexhaustible and unfathomable.. more..Artist

Colleen’s music journey began when she received her first guitar as a gift on her 11th birthday. After she received it, she rarely put it down. It became her constant companion. She played songs. She wrote songs. At fifteen, she was frequently playing at the Ice House in Pasadena, California, and once was the opening act for Peter, Paul & Mary..more..